Start your future with us!

With an apprenticeship as a tile setter

With an apprenticeship as a tile setter

We would be delighted to get to know you! With us, all doors are open to you if you have potential, pursue your own goals, and approach your tasks with dedication. Start your professional journey with us and actively shape your future as part of our team!


Logo Wir machen Profis Lehrbetrieb
Plattenleger Lehrling

Tiler Practitioner EBA

Tiler Practitioner EBA

Swiss Federal Certificate EBA

2 years of practical training

Tiler Practitioners create simple wall and floor coverings for residential buildings using various materials and construction materials. They carry out preparatory work for laying ceramic tiles under supervision and then lay them.

  • Abgeschlossene Volksschule
  • Handwerkliches Geschick
  • Gute körperliche Verfassung
  • Genaue, sorgfältige Arbeitsweise

1 Tag pro Woche an der Berufsfachschule, Berufsbezogene Fächer, Allgemeinbildende Fächer, Sport, Überbetriebliche Kurse

Plattenleger Lehrling misst Fliesen

Tiler EFZ

Tiler EFZ

Swiss Federal Diploma EFZ

3 years of practical training. 2 years after completing the Swiss Federal Certificate EBA

Tilers cover floors, walls, and stairs of buildings with ceramic tiles, mosaic, natural and artificial stone. They lay tiles in residential areas, bathrooms, kitchens, on terraces, in industrial buildings, and public buildings.

  • Abgeschlossene Volksschule
  • Handwerkliches Geschick
  • Räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen
  • Flair für Formen und Farben
  • Gute Konstitution
  • Genaue, sorgfältige Arbeitsweise

1 Tag pro Woche an der Berufsfachschule, Berufsbezogene Fächer Allgemeinbildende Fächer Sport, Überbetriebliche Kurse, Bei sehr guten schulischen Leistungen kann während der Grundbildung die Berufsmaturitätsschule besucht werden.

Salary & Benefits for Apprenticeships 2024

Salary & Benefits for Apprenticeships 2024

Attractive employment conditions are important to us. In addition to comprehensive training, you will benefit from the following perks:

  • Above-average salary
  • 6 weeks of vacation
  • Coverage of costs for teaching materials and inter-company courses (ÜK)
  • Flat-rate expense reimbursement of CHF 150 per month
Flyer "Wir suchen Dich"
Flyer "Wir suchen Dich" Rückseite

Images of the 2023 tiler EFZ apprenticeship examination

Images of the 2023 tiler EFZ apprenticeship examination

Objekt Lehrabschlussprüfung Plattenleger EFZ
Objekt Lehrabschlussprüfung Plattenleger EFZ
Objekt Lehrabschlussprüfung Plattenleger EFZ
Lehrabschlussprüfung Plattenleger EFZ
Beispiel Aufbau Boden



Are you the handyman type?

Are you the handyman type?

Bist Du der Handwerkertyp?

From Practitioner to Master

From Practitioner to Master

Werdegang vom Praktiker zum Meister

What does a tiler do, actually?

What does a tiler do, actually?

Was macht ein(e) Plattenleger/-in?

The profession of a tiler

The profession of a tiler

Der Beruf des Plattenlegers

Further Links:

Further Links:

Logo Lerne Plattenleger
Logo Schweizerischer Plattenverband
Logo Plattenchampions
Logo Keramik einzigartig